Mind, muscle and heart is the mantra of Empower Language Academy, a free public language immersion school that serves students from Kindergarten to 6th grade. Our mantra encompasses everything we emphasize: learning & academics, growth & fitness, health &...
May 13, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: May 13, 2021 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Topic: Empower Regular Board Meeting 5/13 Please click the link below to join the webinar:...
May 10, 2021 Meeting Exhibits Join Zoom Meeting https://empowercharter-org.zoom.us/j/86168633839?pwd=eklqYlg4Y2hRdVBYcVFBMlBWMnkrUT09 Meeting ID: 861 6863 3839 Passcode: 554310 One tap mobile +16699006833,,86168633839#,,,,*554310# US (San Jose)...
Founded by an engaged group of educators, parents, and members of the fitness community, Empower Language Academy, a free charter school, empowers the next generation of critical thinkers and effective communicators. We believe that if bodies and minds are healthy —...
At Empower Language Academy, a public K-6 charter school, we recognize young brains are prime for absorbing. We love seeing how quickly and excitedly our students explore their learning. Our holistic Spanish immersion program is a positive and nurturing two-way...