Empower Language Academy is thrilled to be opening our doors to students for the 2021-22 school year! We can’t wait to see our students back at school, pushing themselves to their best in CrossFit, practicing their language skills, and just finding joy in being together with teachers and friends again. 

Once again, COVID-19 is at the forefront of our thoughts as we approach a new school year amid increasing cases of the Delta variant. As we start our third year with this new normal, we want to remind you that your safety, and that of all our staff and students, is our top priority. We will continue to follow all guidelines and recommendations to make attending Empower Language Academy a safe, enjoyable experience for all. 

A Safer, Smaller Alternative

Our small, community based school has a distinct advantage in the new school year: a smaller student body means a smaller chance of COVID popping up on campus. Additionally, our small class sizes allow us the room to keep a safer distance when indoors together. 

When it comes to contract tracing, our small school also makes it easier to find the source of infection and minimize the number of students who must quarantine due to exposure. Our teachers have already had time to adjust their teaching style to physical distancing guidelines, and will be ready to jump into learning and getting to know each other on day 1 this year! 

In accordance with guidelines, masks will be required at Empower for all students and staff.  We encourage anyone eligible, currently students 12 years of age and older, to receive the vaccine. If you are vaccinated, there is no need to quarantine if exposed. And, as always, Empower will offer free testing for students.  

You can count on Empower Language Academy to communicate often, take quick action and be consistent to keep students in school, face-to-face, as much as possible this year. 

Preparing for a Smooth Transition

Many parents express worry over the transition from a less structured, wake-at-any-time summer to the more disciplined schedule of the school year. You’re not alone if you are beginning to wonder how you will make it out the door on time for work and school without forgetting anything. Now is a good time to get ready for the new school year with a few simple steps aimed to ease stress and anxiety:

  • Talk together.  Discuss everyone’s hopes for the school year as well as any possible concerns or fears. We’ve been through a lot with this pandemic. Assure your child that they will be safe at Empower—and they will have fun! 
  • Gradually switch to your school year sleep schedule now. Peaceful slumber makes for peaceful mornings. You can support your child’s brainpower by starting to push up bedtime by a few minutes each night to prepare for an earlier wake-up call. 
  • Prepare your supplies, clothes, and masks the night before. Children can ready their backpacks and lunches the night before so no item is left behind. No one loves a last minute rush to find a clean mask. Have a few extra available at all times (at home and in their backpack) to prevent frenzy!
  • Attend an orientation session. Join us for a virtual orientation to learn what to expect this year at Empower. We will be holding a virtual New Parent Orientation on August 18th at 5 p.m. and Returning Parent Orientation on August 25th at 5 p.m. Kindergarten families are invited to attend our Kinder Meet & Greet in person on August 26th at 2 p.m
  • Watch one of our videos. Our COVID safety videos provide a great introduction to what to expect at school. Watching these videos together can help ease anxiety and make the first day a seamless transition. Additionally, you can find all of our COVID-19 safety plans, in both Spanish and English, here.  

We Can’t Wait to See You!

If you are new or thinking of enrolling at Empower, our online, virtual information sessions provide lots of new information about your new school. There are still weekly dates available before school starts and you can register here!  

Hurry back soon—our Empower Langauge Academy teachers and staff have a wonderful year of fitness, language, and fun planned for you!

About Empower Language Academy 

Empower Language Academy innovates in immersive dual language learning, fitness and technology to create global citizens. Our holistic approach to Spanish immersion empowers a generation of creative thinkers and effective communicators to lead healthy and fit lifestyles. Our tuition-free public charter school serving grades K-6 is a caring community; providing students from all backgrounds with an educational experience that honors multilingualism, critical thinking, and fitness. Join us in convenient Linda Vista. Enrolling now! 

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