Profile photo of Conness Miller, 4th grade teacher at Empower Language Academy
Ms. Miller
4th grade teacher

Conness Miller is in her second year as 4th grade teacher at Empower Language Academy. She brings a wealth of experience from teaching in Thailand and a love for inquiry and learning to the classroom. Read on to get to know Ms. Miller and find out what and who inspired Ms. Miller to become a teacher. 

When did you know you wanted to be an educator? 

I always wanted to be a teacher, but I made my final decision when I was teaching in Thailand and found that even in different languages you can still have a classroom filled with love, trust and joy!

Who was your favorite teacher and why?

My favorite teacher was my 5th grade teacher, Ms. Rogan. She had lots of adventurous stories to tell and she taught us so much more than just the school curriculum. 

What makes Empower a special place to teach, learn and grow?

Empower is so special because I know every adult on campus is caring and watching out for our students on any given day. It is a great place to teach because we approach learning with curiosity and inquiry.

How does Empower’s mission and vision align with your personal values?

Growing up, my family taught me how to love exercise. I really like that Empower takes exercise and health to the next level, because it should be fun! 

What do you love most about your role?

What I love most about my role is that I get to be reminded of how lucky we are to be in school, in person! I won’t take these days for granted again. 

What else would you like us to know about YOU?

I loved Empower so much I moved back to San Diego to work here! I’m so happy I did.

About Empower Language Academy 

Empower Language Academy innovates in immersive dual language learning, fitness and technology to create global citizens. Our holistic approach to Spanish immersion empowers a generation of creative thinkers and effective communicators to lead healthy and fit lifestyles. Our tuition-free public charter school serving grades K-6 is a caring community; providing students from all backgrounds with an educational experience that honors multilingualism, critical thinking, and fitness. Join us in convenient Linda Vista. Enrolling now! 

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