Special Education

SEmpower Language Academy serves all students and complies with all applicable State and Federal laws for special education, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

If you have a concern that your child may have a disability, please contact our Director of Student Services, Jennifer Burger at jburger@empowercharter.org

Empower operates a special education program independently of the local district. We are a member of the El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA).We believe this allows us to ensure we provide high-quality services to all of our students.

There are many parent resources available to you on our SELPA’s website.

Click here for documents related to SELPA Governance


More details regarding the El Dorado Charter SELPA are included below:

El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan Section B  Governance/Administration

El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan Revision Part B Governance

 El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan -Section D-Budget Plan

 El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan – Section E – Annual Services Plan

El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan – Attachments I-V & VII

El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan – Attachment VI

El Dorado Charter SELPA Participation Agreement

El Dorado Charter SELPA Local Plan Certification 5

Child Find

Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (20 U.S.C. §§ 1400 et. seq) and relevant state law, Empower Language Academy is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children enrolled at Empower Language Academy with known or suspected disabilities to determine whether a need for special education and related services exists.  This includes children with disabilities who are homeless or are wards of the State. To ensure that eligible students are receiving the services to which they are entitled, we would like to request your assistance.

If you know of a child who has a disability or that you suspect may have a disability, you may refer that child’s parent or guardian to Empower Language Academy by calling Jennifer Burger at 858-292-1304 or jburger@empowercharter.org .  Please note: All referrals are considered confidential.  The parent, legal guardian, or surrogate parent retains the right to refuse services and other procedural safeguards under federal and state law.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please do not hesitate to contact Ms Burger if you have questions or concerns.

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